November 19, 2018

Wallflower – Autumn 2018

Quarantine’s Wallflower is touring this autumn.

Jo will be performing alongside Karl Jay-Lewin, Charlie Morrissey, James Monaghan, Caroline Dubois and probably some other familiar faces.

New Adelphi, Salford – 19 October 2018

Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts, Brighton – 23 & 24 November 2018

Square Chapel, Halifax – 30 November & 1 December 2018

**** ‘A magical experience…’ Theaterkrant, Netherlands

The people on stage in Wallflower are trying to remember every dance they’ve ever danced. Some are professional dancers, some are not. Spanning a lifetime of music, fashion, politics, friendships, parties, love and loss, Wallflower is a show about how dancing shapes our lives.

Quarantine are internationally acclaimed for creating theatre out of everyday life.

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